Mental Health Support, Fundraising & Awareness for Testicular Cancer Survivors

Saving the world, one pair of nuts at a time… no man left behind.


Testicular Cancer is one the most common cancers for males between the ages of 15-34 and in Charlotte, NC there is little to none to help males who either fighting against this terrible disease or have gone through it. It is our job to make sure that they know they have a home in North Carolina. A support group for mental health, awareness and fundraising to various charities in the surrounding area.

Join our fight! As we Save A Nut!


Mental Support Group

Going through Testicular Cancer in the end leaves males with a form of Post Traumatic Stress, Save A Nut provides a safe haven for males to talk to other survivors about their struggles to ensure that not just physically that they are okay but mentally.

Nonprofit Collaboration

We work with various groups & other nonprofits to achieve their goals as they align with ours. Whether it is raising funds for Testicular Cancer Research or creating awareness through events, we are a family that continues to grow with our community


Community Awareness

Education of how to prevent Testicular Cancer is vital so is developing mental health support for those going through it. We create a family within our community to ensure males can prevent the disease from spreading before it is too late. We develop community driven events to show overall support for those going through this terrible disease.


“Testicular Cancer was the absolute worst that I could have ever faced…

I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for having my friends & family to support me while going through it…

I want to make sure anyone going through it has a family just like that to help them… all the way through.”

— Mark Borja, Founder



This is your home. When you’re here, you’re family. Come on in.
